Today was the day we were all going to cross the halfway mark. 7 Miles would take us just over halfway of our final goal! It was a beautiful california spring morning and we were going to run by the lake at Sawyer Camp.
This was a sort of psychological barrier for many... just over halfway to the final 13.1 miles. Most of the team had also been out partying the previous night at a bar for a fund-raiser event but everyone was there at 8.30 am to do their run! The dedication to the run was impressive and made it worth the while for me to be there too.
The run itself started off well.. I've apparently built up my endurance levels over the past one month or so and the first 5 miles were a breeze. The last 1-1.5 miles then became a really hard hill to cross... my legs were giving up but I plodded along and finished it. And I started wondering what the last mile at the end of the half marathon would feel like.... I have miles to go before I sleep!
It is also time for all the runners to confirm their commitment to the fund raising goal. By the end of the week, we had to fill up the paperwork and sign up to commit a minimum amount of $2600. I have been raising money thanks to the generosity and support of many of you and reached almost $600... but I have a long ways to go and I really need your support! You can help the fight against Crohns and Colitis and make people's lives better.
Yes, I want to help!